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Fasting may serve as the solution to solve our epidemic of chronic illnesses today. However, most think of only one method of fasting when they hear the term ‘fasting.’


This documentary explores 7 different methods of fasting including Time-Restricted Feeding, Intermittent & Prolonged Fasting, Long-Term Water Fasting, Religious Fasting, Eating Disorders, Improvising or Fasting Unsafely, Fasting Mimicking Diet, and Juice Fasting.


The film interviews 54 people including the world’s leading scientists and medical professionals on fasting, as well as individuals who used fasting to treat obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular problems, skin problems, high blood pressure, chronic headaches, joint pain, and many others.


Leading scientists and physicians in the film include Valter Longo, Ph.D. (Director, USC Longevity Institute and contender for the Nobel Prize in Medicine), Jason Fung, M.D. (a Toronto-based physician who reverses Diabetes in his patients with fasting almost daily), Satchidananda Panda, Ph.D., (Professor at the Salk Institute and inventor of Time Restricted Feeding), Alan Goldhamer, D.C. (founder of True North, considered the world’s most respected water fasting clinic), and 27 other world-leading Ph.D. or MD scientists and practitioners of fasting.


This feature motion picture is the most comprehensive and objective look at fasting on film.  


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Film length:  1:40:00 (1 hr. and 40 min.)​


©2024 Doug Orchard Films, LLC.

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