Why I Do This
This is me (Doug Orchard) on the picture above on the Fox & Friends morning show in New York City way back on June 30, 2015. I was promoting (then) our upcoming movie, The Motivation Factor. We had the Marines, Executive Producer Ron Jones & Kevin Rail, my daughter Anna, and some volunteer kids from NJ present to do the historically famous La Sierra Strength & Endurance Routine in front of 10 Million viewers. The Motivation Factor was all about the "unity" in "community." It told the story of how exercising together ultimately solves many of the problems we face in our society.
So why do I do all this? I hope to make a difference and that hope is intoxicating. I am completely independent. My films are either funded by my credit card or from business loans. No one ever has editing authority other than me on a project. I'm interested in documenting reality with the hope that it makes things better.
All my films are politically neutral. The focus is to document the efforts that have the potential to move the needle for society.

Doug Orchard is a professional cinematographer, director, editor, and expert researcher with an MLS from Indiana University, Bloomington, and has excellent communication skills (BA English, BYU). He is a global thought leader on Physical Education, Fasting, Sovereign Debt, and responsible CRE Revenue Reserve strategies.